There Are a Thousand Ways I’m Screwing Up my Kids

Why I Know I’m not a Perfect Parent, and Why I Don’t Want to Be One

Julie Dunham
7 min readJul 26, 2021
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

I am blessed to be the mother of three insanely adorable, super-smart little boys. Becoming a parent has changed me in more ways than 25 year old me could've ever imagined. At 41, I’m one of the slightly older moms kids’ elementary school. Sure I have plenty of friends from college who had kids at the same time as I did (or even later). A friend I graduated with oh so many years ago was the latest to announce her long-anticipated pregnancy. Also, plenty of my sorority sisters have kids younger than mine. So I know I’m not an anomaly. All of that being said, when I show up at school functions, I’m typically the oldest parent in the room. This is especially true when my seven-year-old is involved.

Maybe it's because I’m older (or not), but I’m actively aware of each of my less-than-stellar parenting moments or decisions. I also live with generalized anxiety. Sure it’s finally being treated, but I’ve always been one of those “anxious” moms far too worried about all of the things that I can’t shield my children from or fix for them.

Today I want to share with you some of the things that keep me up at night and make me feel like I’m failing as a parent.

Here’s what I’ve



Julie Dunham

I’m a freelance blogger living life Coastal Georgia style. After decades of helping business owners, I now write about everything I’ve learned along the way.