I’m Unemployed. Please quit telling me I’m lazy.

Julie Dunham
8 min readJun 1, 2021

Searching for a job in the new normal.

Photo: Anna Shvets from Pexels

Let’s talk about some things I’ve heard every day lately.

“I can’t hire enough workers because everyone is sitting on their butts at home getting unemployment. Why do they gotta be so lazy?”

“If only the government wasn’t paying those lazy people to be lazy and stay home.”

“Who would want to come and work a real job when EVERYONE is getting paid to stay home?”

“Any job at all is better than living off the government.”

“I’ve had to work this whole time. What makes them think they are better than me?”

I mean, I can keep going with these because you see, I’ve heard so many of them.

These comments mostly come from social media commentators, but at least one of these things has been said directly to my face. More than once.

Of course, this acquaintance of mine had no clue that I was laid off late last fall. I mean, all of the layoffs happened during the shutdowns, right? I had that job for 15 years. I spent 20 years with that company, by the way. Of course, she wasn’t talking about me. She totally expected me to agree with her.



Julie Dunham

I’m a freelance blogger living life Coastal Georgia style. After decades of helping business owners, I now write about everything I’ve learned along the way.