Dear Medium, Am I Doing This Right?

Trying to find my happy medium on this platform and my place in the world.

Julie Dunham
6 min readOct 26, 2021
Photo by Tom Leishman from Pexels

Ya’ll I read a lot.

I suppose those words are not shocking when they come from someone trying to make a living by writing.

I love to read what other people are thinking about. That is one of the many things I find so great about the Medium platform. I can see the inside of some of ya’lls brains when I read your work. I’ve been obsessed with the idea of truly knowing how other people see the world since I was a small child (more on that another time).

I can easily spend double or triple the amount of time reading as I say I’m going to spend writing. I do love to write, don’t get me wrong, but my profile’s selection of published stories doesn’t show much of that.

Screenshot from my stats page, don’t judge.

Do you see? Four out of the five months since I joined the platform, I’ve published one meager story a month. My best month? Yeah, that was a whopping two stories.

What this screenshot doesn’t show are the drafts. I’ve easily started twice this number. Half-written pieces are saved on my computer hard drive, in…



Julie Dunham

I’m a freelance blogger living life Coastal Georgia style. After decades of helping business owners, I now write about everything I’ve learned along the way.